Failing to prepare is preparing to fail. While business finds personalisation tricky, it’s where we excel.

We do what others ignore, we build the rules for the AI and create the experiences that follow.

Always on customer management

We understand ad-hoc campaigns are wasteful – customers don’t wait for your interruptive, irrelevant campaigns. By contrast, effort for always-on is rewarding – identifying the customer in their moment and acting immediately and contextually creates amazement.

We believe in amplifying the highs and nullifying the lows. Having pre-identified triggers and fast twitch responses.

Our customer management approach focuses on commercial outcomes, informed with relevancy. By listening to customers, we understand each customer. We have the tools to provide the unique journey they deserve.

Our dynamic messaging recipe helps you operationalise true AI driven personalisation faster and more effectively:


RFM Analysis

Tried, true and commercially guided segmentation to your customer audiences. Focuses you on customers of highest actual and potential value


Relationship Context

Once you know who you need to prioritise, you need a conversation starter. An analysis of the context and evolution of the relationship will inform next best messaging


Data Model

A data model and process prepare you with the fast-twitch dynamic segments from which workflows can be run within your marketing automation stack


Rules Engine

This is the heart of the AI in action. The algorithm decisions which customers receive which message and offer


Modular Execution

Making always on look great and accommodate multiple variations necessitates a strategic setup with modules and variants pre-loaded


Granular Analytics

Start with the full decision tree and despite grouping nodes together for initial messaging, analyse each to inform next priority for offer and message build – always on programs start small and build complexity over time.

We also know just how to design for: